Recognizing the impact of STEM talent pool on a highly skilled future DOE workforce, WDTS has been actively listening to the community and seeking opportunities for expanding access, strengthening mentorship, and encouraging broadening participation of students and educators. Informed by the community’s inputs, WDTS has a unique role to play by significantly expanding SC reach to students and educators at all levels and building creative pathways to better prepare them for STEM learning and career.

WDTS Pathway Summer Schools (PSSs) for Students
The program creates innovative pathways for students with the goal of attracting young students from all backgrounds toward building a STEM talent pool with a focus on building science identify, enhancing STEM efficacy, and sense of belonging. The PSSs intentionally engage early and establish continuous connection through multiple touch points with high school students, recent high school graduates, and lower-division undergraduate students for better STEM learning and entries to STEM careers later. In FY 2023, in collaboration with DOE national laboratories, WDTS established the first cohort.

WDTS Pathways for Educators
WDTS is exploring more opportunities for STEM educators to stimulate interest in STEM subject areas and enhance STEM learning to support DOE mission.