Scientists Further Their Investigation into the Origin of Elements in the Universe
A key reaction in the slow neutron-capture process that forms elements occurs less frequently than previously thought.
A key reaction in the slow neutron-capture process that forms elements occurs less frequently than previously thought.
Scientists explore the origin of Aluminum-26 in stars with a nuclear reaction that exploits the fact that neutrons and protons are stunningly similar.
Molybdenum Limits Microbes’ Ability to Remove Harmful Nitrate from Soil
Microbial cycling of phosphorus through reduction-oxidation reactions is older and more widespread than expected.
Lipids transfer energy and serve as an inter-kingdom communication tool in leaf-cutter ants’ fungal gardens.
A material with a disordered rock salt structure could help make batteries safer, faster-charging, and able to store more energy
A new data pipeline identifies metabolites following heavy isotope labeling.
New production methods for cerium-134 advance technologies for imaging human disease and guiding treatment.
A high-speed, high-yield recovery approach for At-211 means improved availability of this cancer-treating isotope.
State-of-the-art techniques expand scientists’ fundamental understanding of heavy element 99, Einsteinium.
Chemical fuel assembles molecules with multiple unstable bonds.
Transcription of adjacent genes into a single RNA molecule is widespread in green algae, challenging understanding of gene expression in eukaryotes.