The Secret Lives of Cells
Supercomputer simulations predict how E. coli adapts to environmental stresses.
Supercomputer simulations predict how E. coli adapts to environmental stresses.
High-performance computing reveals the relationship between DNA and phosphorous uptake.
Electronic and structure richness arise from the merger of semiconducting molecules of carbon buckyballs and 2-D graphene.
Tracking atoms is crucial to improving the efficiency of next-generation perovskite solar cells.
Single sheets made of pentagons are proven to exist and uniquely combine promising electronic properties and air stability.
Genetically engineered switchgrass does not change soil chemistry, microbiology, or carbon storage potential.
Global models may be underestimating net wetland methane emissions.
Understanding assembly principles may inspire new approaches for making valuable products.
The CUORE experiment set the tightest limits yet on the rare decay of tellurium-130, providing insights into the nature of neutrinos.
This research offers new information to understand the role of microorganisms in elemental cycling in the Arctic.
Precise control of surface chemistry leads to efficient, stable perovskite solar cells.
Control over light-emitting properties of tiny semiconductor platelets may yield new opportunities for innovative optics utilizing quantum phenomena.