Cross Cutting Activities

The ASCR Research Division collaborates in cross cutting activities with the ASCR facilities division, with other programs under the Office of Science, with applied and national-security offices elsewhere in the Department of Energy, and with other Federal agencies.

Stewarding an Innovative Next-Generation Software Stack

Large and complex software packages originally developed under the auspices of SciDAC, through the Exascale Computing Project, or with other support have become vital to the users of Department of Energy leadership-class supercomputers and to computational scientists more broadly. The stewardship-and-innovation effort ensures that this software remains up-to-date, operational, and optimized even as new hardware comes online, and as operating systems and underlying software libraries change.

Earthshots/Energy Earthshot Research Centers

In fall 2023, the Office of Science announced the creation of 10 Energy Earthshot Research Centers at DOE national laboratories and 18 university-led Science Foundations for Energy Earthshots awards. This Office-of-Science-wide initiative, totaling $264M, seeks fundamental scientific knowledge in areas needed to advance the Department's goals in hydrogen as a fuel, long-duration electricity storage, removing anthropogenic carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, enhanced geo-thermal energy production, floating offshore wind turbines for generating electricity, and reducing the energy consumption of industrial processes that require heat.

Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs are U. S. Government programs intended to help small businesses conduct research and development and to foster technology transfer. The SBIR/STTR Programs Office works collaboratively with 13 program offices throughout DOE, including the Advanced Scientific Computing Research program, to select specific research topics.

ASCR Funding

Award abstracts and information about awards made prior to FY2018 can be found here.

ASCR Workshops and Reports

Workshop and reports completed prior to FY2018 can be found here.

Other Notable Reports

Cross Cutting Activities Program Managers:

Marco Fornari
[email protected]

Steven Lee
Next-Generation Software Stack
[email protected]

Margaret Lentz
[email protected]

Kalyan Perumalla
Next-Generation Software Stack
[email protected]

Robinson Pino
Next-Generation Software Stack
[email protected]

David Rabson
Next-Generation Software Stack
[email protected]

Bill Spotz
Next-Generation Software Stack
[email protected]