Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee

Thursday, July 29, 2021
Zoom Televideo/Teleconference only – connection information below


Opening remarks from the committee chair
Dan Reed, ASCAC

View from Washington
Steve Binkley, Acting Director of the Office of Science

View from Germantown
Barbara Helland, Associate Director of the Office of Science for Advanced Scientific Computing Research

ASCR Roundtable Discussions on Operating-Systems Research
Hal Finkel, Advanced Scientific Computing Research

Challenges and lessons learned in expanding participation in Computational science and engineering
Mary Ann Leung, Sustainable Horizons Institute

Update from the EXASCALE computing project
Katie Antypas, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Susan Coghlan, Argonne National Laboratory

DOE COVID-19 S&T Response: National Virtual Biotechnology Laboratory
Michelle Buchanan, Senior Technical Advisor, Office of Deputy Director for Science Programs

Overview of Collaboration between the DOE, NNSA, and NCI
Emily Greenspan, National Cancer Institute

New Charge
Barbara Helland, Associate Director of the Office of Science for Advanced Scientific Computing Research

Update on Fugaku
Satoshi Matsuoka, Director RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS)

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