Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee

March 29-30 from 11am to 3pm EDT via Zoom
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Opening remarks from the committee chair
Dan Reed, ASCAC

View from Washington
Geraldine Richmond, Undersecretary for Science and Innovation at the U.S. Department of Energy

Computational Sciences Graduate Fellowship Update
David Brown, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Exascale Computing Project’s Broader Engagement Initiative
Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory

View From Germantown
Barbara Helland, Associate Director of the Office of Science for Advanced Scientific Computing Research

National QIS Research Centers: Mission and Activities
Irfan Siddiqi, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Community of Interest Unconference
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and Amber Boehnlein, Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory

Update from the Exascale Computing Project 
Doug Kothe, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Lori Diachin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Polaris: A Scalable Testbed Towards Aurora
Ti Leggett, Argonne National Laboratory

report from COV - ASCAC discussion and vote on COV report
Alexandra Landsberg, ASCAC

New Charge – international benchmarking
Barb Helland, Associate Director of the Office of Science for Advanced Scientific Computing Research

Update on Frontier Exascale System and Early Science
Al Geist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Updates on the Software-Stewardship RFI, the Workshop on Reimagining Codesign, and the Roundtable on Parallel Discrete Event Simulation
Hal Finkel, ASCR

Update From Working Group on Collaboration with NNNSA and NCI
Tony Hey, ASCAC

Quantum Request for information
Ceren Susut, Research Division Director, Advanced Scientific Computing Research

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