Contract Management

The Argonne Site Office (ASO) has contract oversight responsibilities over UChicago Argonne, LLC for the management and operation of Argonne National Laboratory.  The Argonne National Laboratory is a government owned contractor operated facility.

ASO’s oversight is strongly tied to the expectation that contractors maintain a credible and rigorous Contractor Assurance System (CAS). To this end, ASO oversight includes both independent, federally staffed oversight of the contractors as well as a substantial investment in contractor/Site Office partnered oversight. This strategic focus provides interactions that foster growth in understanding of DOE expectations and discipline, effective utilization of human resources, mutual trust, and success. ASO has implemented an assurance oversight program designed both to meet the federal requirements of DOE and the Office of Science’s (SC) expectations for implementation of contractor assurance systems at SC laboratories. The major objectives of the program are:

  • Ensure that mission outcomes are accomplished;
  • Ensure compliance with contractual requirements;
  • Affirm the adequacy of contractor assurance systems;
  • Identify novel approaches to partnering to effectively focus oversight resources; and
  • Ensure performance of federal line management responsibilities.

UChicago Argonne, LLC is the management and operating contractor for ANL. The current contract value is approximately $13.6 billion with an annual operating budget exceeding $1 billion per year. UChicago Argonne, LLC assumed responsibility for operation of Argonne National Laboratory on October 1, 2006 based on a competitive procurement process. The current contract performance period ends September 30, 2026.

The website address to view the Department’s prime contract with UChicago Argonne, LLC is: