
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Upgrade, Phase-3 (ALCF-3) Project

The ALCF-3 Project will deploy an exascale (≥ 1000PF) computational resource, named Aurora, at Argonne National Laboratory. The computing equipment shall be configured to enable significant near-term advances in computational science as part of the DOE-ASCR Leadership Computing Facility Program. To achieve this objective, the scope of this effort must address the procurement, installation, configuration, and acceptance of an advanced computing system with a data storage subsystem and the supporting facility upgrades for power and cooling. Currently at CD-3 and executing delivery and installation of Aurora processing panels/blades.

Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U) Project

The APS-U will be a fourth-eneration high-energy x-ray storage ring optimized for hard x-rays (> 20 keV), incorporating advanced beamlines, optics and detectors, and providing an ‘oval’ source ideal for imaging. The project includes a new storage ring incorporating a multi-bend achromat (MBA) lattice utilizing the existing tunnel, new insertion devices optimized for brightness and flux, superconducting undulators on selected beamlines and new or upgraded front-ends. The project will also construct a suite of new beamlines and incorporate substantial refurbishment of other existing beamlines, along with new optics and detectors that will enable most beamlines to take advantage of the improved accelerator performance. APS-U will exceed the capabilities of today’s hard x-ray storage rings by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude in brightness and coherent flux. The combination of these upgrades will provide a brighter and more intense beam at all beam line locations and provide improved performance capabilities. Currently at CD-3, APS-U is expected to be completed in 2026.

Electrical Capacity and Distribution Capability (ECDC) Project

The Electrical Capacity and Distribution Capability (ECDC) Project at Argonne National Laboratory includes the installation of two new 138kV transmission lines, a new ComEd substation, and other electrical utility system upgrades. Argonne’s scientific advancements require a strong foundation that supports reliable, redundant, maintainable, and flexible utility systems. A key component of Argonne’s utility system portfolio is the high voltage electrical distribution system. Without this critical system, science at Argonne cannot exist. The ECDC Project will address a capability gap exacerbated by aging infrastructure and a projected increase in site electrical needs. Funding is provided by the Federal Government through DOE, Office of Science, Science Laboratories Infrastructure (SLI) Program. Work on the project started in February 2019 and completion is expected in September 2024. 

Argonne Utility Upgrade Project (AU2)

The Argonne Utility Upgrade (AU2) Project at Argonne National Laboratory includes the construction of a new 6,300-ton chilled water plant and a new boiler house with peak demand of 250,000 lbs/hr of 200 psi saturated steam as well as and the repair, replacement, or construction of new distribution piping for 7,500 LF of utility piping and support structures.  The AU2 projects includes repair, replacement and/or modernization of most urgently needed and critical system components, defined as system/components with the largest concentration of deferred maintenance and the greatest risk probability/impact with a system failure.  Most directly affected by these critical systems are the:  Exascale project, large-scale user facilities/ advanced instrumentation that further enable chemical and molecular science, condensed matter physics and materials, advanced computer science, visualization and data, and nuclear physics capabilities. Funding is provided by the Federal Government through DOE, Office of Science, Science Laboratories Infrastructure (SLI) Program. Work on the project started in May 2019 and completion is expected in September 2029..

Demolition of Building 361 Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) 50 MeV Linear Accelerator (LINAC)

The IPNS 50 MeV Linear Accelerator Demolition project includes dismantling and disposing of large scientific equipment in Building 361, including the 50 MeV linear accelerator, Mallincroft per-accelerator, and ancillary mechanical and electrical equipment. Removal of the equipment will restore approximately 20,000 square feet of building space for future expansion of key lab initiatives such as clean energy and battery scale-up research. The LINAC first became operational in 1963 as part of the 12.5 GeV Zero Gradient Synchrotron high-energy accelerator and was run until 1979. It was then used from 1981 to 2008 as part of the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source. Phase 1 of the removal is in progress while Phase 2 is pending funding.