Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations Argonne Site Office Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations Determination Date Name of Action: Description Categorical Exclusion Number 12/15/2021 ASO-CX-392 Precipitation Reactor for Advanced Battery Cathode Materials B3.6 11/8/2021 ASO-CX-391 Application of Advanced Materials Processing to Enable Direct Production of Fast Reactor Fuel Alloys B3.6 6/15/2021 ASO-CX-386 Demonstration of electrochemical extraction and purification of organic acids in biorefinery CX: B 3.6 4/30/2021 ASO-CX-385 Development of Sensor Performance Model of Microwave Cavity Flow Meter for Advanced Reactor High Temperature Fluids B 3.6 4/20/2021 ASO-CX-384 Y.Cube and BESS-affiliated system operations at building 300 B4.1, B 4.6 4/20/2021 ASO-CX-383 Real-time Control of Urban Drainage Systems B3.1, B3.8 4/14/2021 ASO-CX-382 100-Gallon Fermenter Scale-Up Pilot B 3.6 1/21/2021 ASO-CX-381 Radiological Assistance Program facility relocation B1.3, B1.15, B1.31, B 3.1 12/10/2020 ASO-CX-380 EC BioSALTS and Exchange Offsite Fieldwork B3.1, B3.3, B3.8 12/7/2020 ASO-CX-379 Argonne Utilities Upgrade B1.3, B1.5, B 5.4 1 2 3 4 5 ... 15