Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations

Argonne Site Office Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations

Determination Date Name of Action: Description Categorical Exclusion Number
5/22/2018 ASO-CX-355 Stabilization and Storage of Potentially-Pyrophoric Powdered Materials B1.28, B6.2
5/16/2018 ASO-CX-354 Terrestrial Ecology- Field Research B3.8
5/4/2018 ASO-CX-353 Uranium Chloride Salt Preparation B3.6
5/1/2018 ASO CX 352 Sodium/CO2 Interaction Experiment Product Handling B3.6, B6.2
2/21/2018 ASO-CX-350 Conduct Land Survey of DOE Property and Grant Easement to FPDDC and to Construct and Operate a Parking Lot B1.13, B1.15, B1.25
2/22/2018 ASO-CX-351 Off-site Use of UASs for Research Applications B3.2
9/18/2017 ASO-CX-349 Demonstration and Cost Analysis of an Acoustic Building Infiltration Measurement System B3.1
9/14/2017 ASO-CX-348 Field testing (in ocean) modified polymer foam for crude oil recovery B3.11
9/14/2017 ASO-CX-347 Culvert Repair - 300 Area- Freund Brook & Foot Path B1.3; B1.33
6/12/2017 NEPA Categorical Exclusion: ASO-CX-346 Bldg 206 Parking Lot Resurfacing B1.3