Discovery of a New Mechanism of Thermal Transport
Current-carrying nanotubes heat up nearby materials but not themselves, indicating a new path to energy-efficient electronics.
Current-carrying nanotubes heat up nearby materials but not themselves, indicating a new path to energy-efficient electronics.
Researchers have created an environmentally-friendly plastic coating that converts a wide range of electrical conductors into air-stable components for flexible, less expensive electronics.
New nanostructured electrodes have 10 times the charging speed and higher battery power.
Experts look at past nuclear accidents and potential scenarios to identify gaps in understanding nuclear fuel behavior.
Novel material for purifying gases could significantly lower industrial energy costs.
“One pot” catalyst converts up to 20% of dry biomass to a critical chemical used in biofuel production.
Biomechanical studies challenge current depictions of plant primary cell wall architecture.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method non-destructively images the chemical and structural changes in a lithium ion battery.
Antimony atoms with uncoordinated electrons block flow of heat in thermoelectric materials.
Short pulses of light reveal an intrinsic conducting surface that is different from the bulk.
A scalable catalytic process improves the yield of biofuels by 40%.
A single reversible catalyst enables energy to be both stored and released on demand.