Preparing a DOE SBIR/STTR Phase I Grant Application
The DOE SBIR/STTR Phase I Grant Application guide contains step-by-step instructions, sample completed forms for some components, tutorials and a host of other useful information for preparing the required forms for a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I Grants. Highlights of our application guidance and associated links are provided.
Step-by-Step SBIR/STTR Grant Application
Small business applicants will find step-by-step instructions here for completing each section of an SBIR/STTR Phase I Grant application, along with sample documents, templates and tips to assist with the application process.
DOE SBIR Phase I Application Tutorials
The Phase I Application Tutorials are available to help Small Businesses understand SBIR/STTR eligibility requirements, program complexities, and ultimately, how to prepare, organize and submit a Phase I proposal in response to a DOE SBIR/STTR Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). The tutorials are broken down into small pieces and grouped by category.
Preparing and Submitting a Letter of Intent
A Letter of Intent (LOI) is a document that you submit in advance of your Phase I and Phase II/IIA/IIB/IIC application to the DOE SBIR/STTR programs. It contains important information about your application, such as a technical abstract, that will assist DOE in identifying reviewers in advance of receiving your application.
Foreign Relationships Disclosure Form
The SBIR/STTR Extension Act of 2022 requires each small business concern to disclose ties to
foreign relationships with its DOE SBIR/STTR application.
Essential System Registrations
There are four essential registrations that small businesses must complete to apply for an SBIR or STTR award. These registrations must be completed BEFORE the application can be submitted, and in certain instances the process can be lengthy, so it is crucial to begin these registrations as soon as possible.
Protecting your Trade Secrets, Commercial, and Financial Information
An application may include technical data and other data, including trade secrets and commercial or financial information that are privileged or confidential, which the applicant does not want disclosed to the public or used by the Government for any purpose other than application evaluation. Examples of documents that may contain proprietary information include the commercialization plan and the project narrative.
Requirements and Guidance for Digital Data Management
Here you will find guidance and requirements specific to the SBIR/STTR Program Office regarding the submission of Data Management Plans.
Level of Effort and Max Funding Worksheet
Instructions, blank worksheet and sample calculations
Indirect Rate Models
Small businesses looking for assistance in establishing their indirect rate can utilize one of the below indirect rate models:
- One-pool indirect rate model workbook
- Two-pool indirect rate model workbook
- Three-pool indirect rate model workbook
Budget Justification
A budget justification for the cost estimates included in the budget is an application requirement. Use of the budget justification template provided is not required, applicants may submit a budget justification in their own format as long as the required information is provided.