DOE-NP SBIR/STTR Exchange Meeting
August 6-7 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 |
Presentation / Title | Speaker | Organization |
Welcome and Introductory Remarks | Jehanne Gillo | DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics |
NP SBIR/STTR Program Overview | Manouchehr Farkhondeh | DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics |
High-Performance Plasma Panel Based Micropattern Detector | Friedman, Peter | Integrated Sensors, LLC |
High Specific Activity Sm-153 By Post Irradiation Isotope Separation | Alan Ketring | IsoTherapeutics Group LLC |
Integrated Modeling Tool for Electron-Beam Based Ion-Sources | Jin-Soo Kim | Far-Tech, Inc. |
NP Low Energy Facilities and the SBIR/STTR Program | Georg Bollen | Michigan State University and FRIB |
High Radiation Environment Nuclear Fragment Separator Magnet | Rolland Johnson | Muons, Inc. |
High Density Low Cost Readout Electronics for Large Scale Radiation Detectors | Peter Grudberg | PHDs Co. |
High-Performance ADC for Particle Accelerator Instrumentation Applications | Douglas Goodman | Ridgetop Group, Inc |
TJNAF Facility and the SBIR/STTR Program | Geoffrey Krafft | XIA, LLC |
Thin-Window P-Type Point-Contact Germanium Detectors for Rare Particle Detection | Ethan Hull | PHDs Co. |
Novel Polishing Process to Fabricate Ultra Low Thickness Variation Diamond Substrates for Next Generation Beam Tracking Detectors | Arul Arjunan | Sinmat Inc. |
Enhanced Quantum Efficiency of Photocathodes with Polarized Emission | Aaron Moy | SVT Associates, Inc. |
GaAsSb/AlGaAs Superlattice High-Polarization Electron Source | Yiqiao Chen | SVT Associates, Inc. |
Solid Catcher Materials Development at InnoSense for a Variety of Rare Isotopes | Uma Sampathkumaran | InnoSense, LLC |
Development at Argonne in Support of the Innonsense Solid Catcher for Energetic Radioactive Beams | Jerry Nolen | ANL /Innosense |
Modular Planar Germanium (MPGe) Detector Systems for High Resolution Gamma-ray Spectroscopy and Tracking Arrays | Ethan Hull | PHDs Co. |
Thursday, August 7, 2014 |
Presentation / Title | Speaker | Organization |
Development of MgB2 Superconducting Coils for Nuclear Physics
Applications |
Hyper Tech Research,Inc.
Commercial Superconducting Electron Linac for Radioisotope Production | Terry Grimm | Niowave, Inc. |
Production of Commercial High Specific Activity Sn-117M Radiochemical and Chelates |
Nigel Stevenson | Clear Vascular, Inc. |
Ferroelectric Based High Power Components for L-Band Accelerator Applications |
Alex Kanareykin | Euclid TechLabs, LLC |
Digital SQUID Magnetometers for Read-out of Detectors and Magnetic Particles |
Masoud Radparvar | Hypres, Inc. |
RHIC Facility and the SBIR/STTR Program | Wolfram Fischer | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Advance Additive Manufacturing Method for SRF Cavities of Various Geometries |
Pedro Frigola | RadiaBeam Technologies, LLC |
Thin Diamond Time-of-Flight Detectors | Joseph Tabeling | Applied Diamond, Inc |
Chemical Free Surface Processing for High Gradient Superconducting RF Cavities |
Linton Floyd | FM Technologies, Inc. |
NP Isotope Program and Facilities and the SBIR/STTR Program | Kevin John | Los Alamaos National Laboratory |
Development of High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers for 704 MHz | Frederick Raab | Green Mountain Radio Research Co. |
Defect Free, Ultra-Rapid Thinning/Polishing of Diamond Crystal Radiator Targets (20um) for Highly Linearly Polarized Photon Beams |
Arul Arjunan | Sinmat Inc. |
Growth of large diameter high-purity germanium crystals for Nuclear Physics research |
Ethan Hull | PHDs Co. |
GPU Acceleration of Spin Tracking in Colliding Beam Accelerators | Dan Abell | Tech-X Corporation |
Update on the Department of Energy SBIR/STTR Program, | Manny Oliver | DOE, SBIR/STTR Office |