BES Reports Addressed by EFRCs
The Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC) directly address the use-inspired basic research needs articulated in a subset of workshop reports sponsored by BES. Each report is written by university, industry, and DOE laboratory experts who attend a workshop to assess the scope of fundamental scientific research that must be considered to address the DOE mission in each topical area. Altogether, these workshops have engaged more than 2,000 participants. The BES Reports named in the EFRC Funding Opportunity Announcements that led to the current EFRC awards are listed below, along with the EFRCs that have self-identified as addressing those reports. A full list of BES Reports can be found on the BES Community Resources – Reports page.
- Understanding and Control of Acid Gas-Induced Evolution of Materials for Energy (UNCAGE-ME)
- Center for Catalysis in Biomimetic Confinement (CCBC)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- Center for Mechanistic Control of Water-Hydrocarbon-Rock Interactions in Unconventional and Tight Oil Formations (CMC-UF)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Multi-Scale Fluid-Solid Interactions in Architected and Natural Materials (MUSE)

- Institute for Cooperative Upcycling of Plastics (iCOUP)
- Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS)
- Breakthrough Electrolytes for Energy Storage (BEES2)
- Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions (CABES)
- Understanding and Control of Acid Gas-Induced Evolution of Materials for Energy (UNCAGE-ME)
- Center for Catalysis in Biomimetic Confinement (CCBC)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Center for Electrochemical Dynamics And Reactions on Surfaces (CEDARS)
- Hydrogen in Energy and Information Sciences (HEISs)
- Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science (CBES)
- Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis (CME)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- Bioinspired Light-Escalated Chemistry (BioLEC)
- Center for Soft PhotoElectroChemical Systems (SPECS)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Catalyst Design for Decarbonization Center (CD4DC)
- Center for Plastics Innovation (CPI)
- Center for Programmable Energy Catalysis (CPEC)
- Center for the Science of Synthesis Across Scales (CSSAS)

- Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS)
- Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions (CABES)
- Understanding and Control of Acid Gas-Induced Evolution of Materials for Energy (UNCAGE-ME)
- Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport – Phase 2 (CENT2)
- Center for Electrochemical Dynamics And Reactions on Surfaces (CEDARS)
- Hydrogen in Energy and Information Sciences (HEISs)
- Center for Mechanistic Control of Water-Hydrocarbon-Rock Interactions in Unconventional and Tight Oil Formations (CMC-UF)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Center for Materials for Water and Energy Systems (M-WET)
- Multi-Scale Fluid-Solid Interactions in Architected and Natural Materials (MUSE)
- Center for the Science of Synthesis Across Scales (CSSAS)

- Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals (CATS)
- Ultra Materials for a Resilient, Smart Electricity Grid (ULTRA)
- Programmable Quantum Materials (Pro-QM)
- Center for High Precision Patterning Science (CHiPPS)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Hydrogen in Energy and Information Sciences (HEISs)
- Center for 3D Ferroelectric Microelectronics (3DFeM)
- Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL)
- Reconfigurable Electronic Materials Inspired by Nonlinear Neuron Dynamics (REMIND)
- Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors (u-ATOMS)
- Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C)

- Breakthrough Electrolytes for Energy Storage (BEES2)
- Fast and Cooperative Ion Transport in Polymer-Based Electrolytes (FaCT)
- Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m#S)
- Center for Soft PhotoElectroChemical Systems (SPECS)
- Center for Synthetic Control Across Length-scales for Advancing Rechargeables (SCALAR)
- Mechano-Chemical Understanding of Solid Ion Conductors (MUSIC)
- Center for Programmable Energy Catalysis (CPEC)

- Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals (CATS)
- Programmable Quantum Materials (Pro-QM)
- Institute for Quantum Matter (IQM)
- Center for Novel Pathways to Quantum Coherence in Materials (NPQC)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL)
- Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors (u-ATOMS)
- Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials (QSQM)

- Center for Catalysis in Biomimetic Confinement (CCBC)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Center for Electrochemical Dynamics And Reactions on Surfaces (CEDARS)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- Center for Soft PhotoElectroChemical Systems (SPECS)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)

- Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals (CATS)
- Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS)
- Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions (CABES)
- Center for Thermal Energy Transport under Irradiation (TETI)
- Center for Novel Pathways to Quantum Coherence in Materials (NPQC)
- Center for High Precision Patterning Science (CHiPPS)
- Center for Catalysis in Biomimetic Confinement (CCBC)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science (CBES)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL)
- A Next Generation Synthesis Center (GENESIS)
- Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m#S)
- Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors (u-ATOMS)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Center for Synthetic Control Across Length-scales for Advancing Rechargeables (SCALAR)
- Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C)
- Catalyst Design for Decarbonization Center (CD4DC)
- Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials (QSQM)
- Mechano-Chemical Understanding of Solid Ion Conductors (MUSIC)
- Center for Programmable Energy Catalysis (CPEC)
- Center for Hierarchical Waste Form Materials (CHWM)
- Multi-Scale Fluid-Solid Interactions in Architected and Natural Materials (MUSE)
- Center for the Science of Synthesis Across Scales (CSSAS)
- Artificially Intelligent Manufacturing Paradigm for Composites (AIM for Composites)
- Center for High Precision Patterning Science (CHiPPS)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- A Next Generation Synthesis Center (GENESIS)
- Reconfigurable Electronic Materials Inspired by Nonlinear Neuron Dynamics (REMIND)
- Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors (u-ATOMS)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Center for Regenerative Energy-Efficient Manufacturing of Thermoset Polymeric Materials (REMAT)
- Mechano-Chemical Understanding of Solid Ion Conductors (MUSIC)
- Center for Programmable Energy Catalysis (CPEC)
- Center for Materials for Water and Energy Systems (M-WET)
- Center for the Science of Synthesis Across Scales (CSSAS)

- Molten Salts in Extreme Environments (MSEE)
- Programmable Quantum Materials (Pro-QM)
- Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions (CABES)
- Center for Thermal Energy Transport under Irradiation (TETI)
- Institute for Quantum Matter (IQM)
- Center for Novel Pathways to Quantum Coherence in Materials (NPQC)
- Center for High Precision Patterning Science (CHiPPS)
- Fundamental Understanding of Transport Under Reactor Extremes (FUTURE)
- Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL)
- A Next Generation Synthesis Center (GENESIS)
- Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m#S)
- Reconfigurable Electronic Materials Inspired by Nonlinear Neuron Dynamics (REMIND)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Center for Synthetic Control Across Length-scales for Advancing Rechargeables (SCALAR)
- Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C)
- Catalyst Design for Decarbonization Center (CD4DC)
- Center for Plastics Innovation (CPI)
- Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials (QSQM)
- Center for Programmable Energy Catalysis (CPEC)
- Center for Materials for Water and Energy Systems (M-WET)
- Multi-Scale Fluid-Solid Interactions in Architected and Natural Materials (MUSE)
- Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions (CABES)
- Understanding and Control of Acid Gas-Induced Evolution of Materials for Energy (UNCAGE-ME)
- Center for Catalysis in Biomimetic Confinement (CCBC)
- Center for Electrochemical Dynamics And Reactions on Surfaces (CEDARS)
- Hydrogen in Energy and Information Sciences (HEISs)
- Fast and Cooperative Ion Transport in Polymer-Based Electrolytes (FaCT)
- Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis (CME)
- Center for Mechanistic Control of Water-Hydrocarbon-Rock Interactions in Unconventional and Tight Oil Formations (CMC-UF)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Catalyst Design for Decarbonization Center (CD4DC)
- Mechano-Chemical Understanding of Solid Ion Conductors (MUSIC)
- Multi-Scale Fluid-Solid Interactions in Architected and Natural Materials (MUSE)
- Center for Catalysis in Biomimetic Confinement (CCBC)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science (CBES)
- Bioinspired Light-Escalated Chemistry (BioLEC)
- Center for Soft PhotoElectroChemical Systems (SPECS)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Programmable Quantum Materials (Pro-QM)
- Institute for Quantum Matter (IQM)
- Center for Novel Pathways to Quantum Coherence in Materials (NPQC)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Center for Molecular Quantum Transduction (CMQT)
- Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL)
- Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C)
- Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials (QSQM)