Grand Challenges

The 2007 Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) report, Directing Matter and Energy: Five Challenges for Science and the Imagination was the culmination of a series of BES-sponsored workshops that began in 2001. Over and over, the recommendations from these workshops described similar themes that in this new era of science, we would design, discover, and synthesize new materials and molecular assemblies through atomic scale control; probe and control photon, phonon, electron, and ion interactions with matter; perform multi-scale modeling that bridges the multiple length and time scales; and use the collective efforts of condensed matter and materials physicists, chemists, biologists, molecular engineers, and those skilled in applied mathematics and computer science. The roadblocks to progress, and the opportunities for truly transformational new understanding were distilled into five inter-related grand challenges. Each Energy Frontier Research Center addresses one or more of these grand challenges.

Grand Challenge #1:
How do we control materials processes at the level of electrons?
- Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals (CATS)
- Ultra Materials for a Resilient, Smart Electricity Grid (ULTRA)
- Molten Salts in Extreme Environments (MSEE)
- Programmable Quantum Materials (Pro-QM)
- Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions (CABES)
- Center for Thermal Energy Transport under Irradiation (TETI)
- Institute for Quantum Matter (IQM)
- Center for Novel Pathways to Quantum Coherence in Materials (NPQC)
- Center for High Precision Patterning Science (CHiPPS)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Center for Electrochemical Dynamics And Reactions on Surfaces (CEDARS)
- Center for Molecular Quantum Transduction (CMQT)
- Fast and Cooperative Ion Transport in Polymer-Based Electrolytes (FaCT)
- Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis (CME)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- Bioinspired Light-Escalated Chemistry (BioLEC)
- Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL)
- A Next Generation Synthesis Center (GENESIS)
- Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m#S)
- Reconfigurable Electronic Materials Inspired by Nonlinear Neuron Dynamics (REMIND)
- Center for Soft PhotoElectroChemical Systems (SPECS)
- Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors (u-ATOMS)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Center for Synthetic Control Across Length-scales for Advancing Rechargeables (SCALAR)
- Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C)
- Catalyst Design for Decarbonization Center (CD4DC)
- Center for Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials (M2QM)
- Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials (QSQM)
- Mechano-Chemical Understanding of Solid Ion Conductors (MUSIC)
- Center for Programmable Energy Catalysis (CPEC)

Grand Challenge #2:
How do we design and perfect atom- and energy-efficient synthesis of revolutionary new forms of matter with tailored properties?
- Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals (CATS)
- Institute for Cooperative Upcycling of Plastics (iCOUP)
- Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS)
- Breakthrough Electrolytes for Energy Storage (BEES2)
- Artificially Intelligent Manufacturing Paradigm for Composites (AIM for Composites)
- Programmable Quantum Materials (Pro-QM)
- Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions (CABES)
- Center for Understanding and Control of Acid Gas-Induced Evolution of Materials for Energy (UNCAGE-ME)
- Institute for Quantum Matter (IQM)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Center for Electrochemical Dynamics And Reactions on Surfaces (CEDARS)
- Hydrogen in Energy and Information Sciences (HEISs)
- Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science (CBES)
- Fast and Cooperative Ion Transport in Polymer-Based Electrolytes (FaCT)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- Center for 3D Ferroelectric Microelectronics (3DFeM)
- Bioinspired Light-Escalated Chemistry (BioLEC)
- Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL)
- A Next Generation Synthesis Center (GENESIS)
- Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m#S)
- Center for Soft PhotoElectroChemical Systems (SPECS)
- Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors (u-ATOMS)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Center for Synthetic Control Across Length-scales for Advancing Rechargeables (SCALAR)
- Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C)
- Catalyst Design for Decarbonization Center (CD4DC)
- Center for Plastics Innovation (CPI)
- Center for Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials (M2QM)
- Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials (QSQM)
- Center for Regenerative Energy-Efficient Manufacturing of Thermoset Polymeric Materials (REMAT)
- Mechano-Chemical Understanding of Solid Ion Conductors (MUSIC)
- Center for Programmable Energy Catalysis (CPEC)
- Center for Hierarchical Waste Form Materials (CHWM)
- Center for Materials for Water and Energy Systems (M-WET)
- Multi-Scale Fluid-Solid Interactions in Architected and Natural Materials (MUSE)

Grand Challenge #3:
How do remarkable properties of matter emerge from complex correlations of the atomic or electronic constituents and how can we control these properties?
- Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals (CATS)
- Molten Salts in Extreme Environments (MSEE)
- Breakthrough Electrolytes for Energy Storage (BEES2)
- Artificially Intelligent Manufacturing Paradigm for Composites (AIM for Composites)
- Programmable Quantum Materials (Pro-QM)
- Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions (CABES)
- Center for Understanding and Control of Acid Gas-Induced Evolution of Materials for Energy (UNCAGE-ME)
- Institute for Quantum Matter (IQM)
- Center for Novel Pathways to Quantum Coherence in Materials (NPQC)
- Fundamental Understanding of Transport Under Reactor Extremes (FUTURE)
- Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE)
- Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science (CBES)
- Center for Molecular Quantum Transduction (CMQT)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- Center for 3D Ferroelectric Microelectronics (3DFeM)
- Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL)
- Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m#S)
- Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors (u-ATOMS)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Center for Closing the Carbon Cycle (4C)
- Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C)
- Center for Plastics Innovation (CPI)
- Center for Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials (M2QM)
- Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials (QSQM)
- Mechano-Chemical Understanding of Solid Ion Conductors (MUSIC)
- Center for Materials for Water and Energy Systems (M-WET)
- Center for the Science of Synthesis Across Scales (CSSAS)

Grand Challenge #4:
How can we master energy and information on the nanoscale to create new technologies with capabilities rivaling those of living things?
- Institute for Cooperative Upcycling of Plastics (iCOUP)
- Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS)
- Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport – Phase 2 (CENT2)
- Center for Catalysis in Biomimetic Confinement (CCBC)
- Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science (CBES)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- Reconfigurable Electronic Materials Inspired by Nonlinear Neuron Dynamics (REMIND)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C)
- Center for Plastics Innovation (CPI)
- Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials (QSQM)
- Center for Regenerative Energy-Efficient Manufacturing of Thermoset Polymeric Materials (REMAT)
- Center for Programmable Energy Catalysis (CPEC)
- Center for Materials for Water and Energy Systems (M-WET)
- Center for the Science of Synthesis Across Scales (CSSAS)

Grand Challenge #5:
How do we characterize and control matter away - especially very far away - from equilibrium?
- Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS)
- Ultra Materials for a Resilient, Smart Electricity Grid (ULTRA)
- Molten Salts in Extreme Environments (MSEE)
- Programmable Quantum Materials (Pro-QM)
- Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions (CABES)
- Center for Understanding and Control of Acid Gas-Induced Evolution of Materials for Energy (UNCAGE-ME)
- Center for Thermal Energy Transport under Irradiation (TETI)
- Center for Novel Pathways to Quantum Coherence in Materials (NPQC)
- Fundamental Understanding of Transport Under Reactor Extremes (FUTURE)
- Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport – Phase 2 (CENT2)
- Center for Electrochemical Dynamics And Reactions on Surfaces (CEDARS)
- Hydrogen in Energy and Information Sciences (HEISs)
- Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science (CBES)
- Center for Molecular Quantum Transduction (CMQT)
- Interfacial Dynamics in Radioactive Environments and Materials (IDREAM)
- Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation (CLSF)
- Center for 3D Ferroelectric Microelectronics (3DFeM)
- Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL)
- Center for Mechanistic Control of Water-Hydrocarbon-Rock Interactions in Unconventional and Tight Oil Formations (CMC-UF)
- A Next Generation Synthesis Center (GENESIS)
- Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m#S)
- Reconfigurable Electronic Materials Inspired by Nonlinear Neuron Dynamics (REMIND)
- Center for Soft PhotoElectroChemical Systems (SPECS)
- Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors (u-ATOMS)
- Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN)
- Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C)
- Center for Plastics Innovation (CPI)
- Center for Regenerative Energy-Efficient Manufacturing of Thermoset Polymeric Materials (REMAT)
- Mechano-Chemical Understanding of Solid Ion Conductors (MUSIC)
- Center for Programmable Energy Catalysis (CPEC)
- Center for Materials for Water and Energy Systems (M-WET)
- Multi-Scale Fluid-Solid Interactions in Architected and Natural Materials (MUSE)