DOE-NP SBIR/STTR Exchange Meeting
August 7-8, 2018
Tuesday, August 7, 2018 |
Presentation / Title | Speaker | Organization |
Welcome and Opening Remarks | Gillo, Jehanne | DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics |
Introductory Remarks | Farkhondeh, Manouchehr | DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics |
NP SBIR/STTR Program Overview | Shinn, Michelle | DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics |
A Magnetized Electron Source for Ion Beam Cooling | Mayes, Christopher | Xelera Research LLC, NY |
Low Cost, High-Density Digital Electronics for Nuclear Physics | Skulski, Wojciech | SkuTek Instrumentation, NY |
Diamond Strip Detectors for Charged Particle Tracking | Tabeling, Joseph (not present) |
Applied Diamond, Inc., DE |
NP Low Energy Facilities and the SBIR/STTR Program | Bollen, Georg | Michigan State University |
Software-Driven Network Architecture for Synchronous Data Acquisition | Hulett, Terry | Crossfield Technology LLC, TX |
Development of Gen-II LAPPDTM Systems For Nuclear Physics Experiments | Foley, Michael | Incom Inc., MA |
Jefferson Lab and the NP SBIR/STTR Program | Spata, Michael | Thomas Jefferson Accelerator National Facility |
Isotopic Carbon Graphene Foil Targets | Pavlovsky, Igor | Applied Nanotech, Inc., TX |
High power, high repetition rate, 700 – 850 nm pulsed laser | Tian, Wenyan | Q-Peak, Inc., MA |
Design and Fabrication of the ASoC: a System-on-Chip Data Acquisition System | Mostafanezhad, Isar | Nalu Scientific, LLC, HI |
Pixel Array Germanium Detectors for Nuclear Physics | Kiser, Matthew | PHDs Co., TN |
Novel Position-Sensitive Particle Tracking Gas Detector | Friedman, Peter | Integrated Sensors, OH |
Dynamic friction in magnetized electron coolers for relativistic beams | Bruhwiler, David | RadiaSoft LLC, CO |
A novel ionizing particle beam fluence and position detector array using the Micromegas technology with multi-coordinate readout | Holmes, Jason | Radiation Detection and Imaging Technologies, LLC, AZ |
Robust Wire Scanner for High Intensity Beam Profile Diagnostics | Ruelas, Marcos | Radiabeam Tech., LLC, CA |
Flat Field Emitter Based on Ultrananocrystalline Diamond (UNCD) Film for SRF Technology (Topic Nuclear Physics | Montgomery, Eric | Euclid Techlabs, LLC, OH |
Wednesday, August 8, 2018 |
Presentation / Title | Speaker | Organization |
Design and manufacture of tunable permanent magnet based quadrupole for next generation electron-ion colliders |
Jasinski, Melania | Electron Energy Corporation, PA |
Scintillating Bolometer Crystal Growth and Purification for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiments | Tower, Joshua | Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc., MA |
Long length welded NbTi CIC superconducting Cable for Accelerator Applications | Tomsic, Michael | Hyper Tech Research, Inc., OH |
Acid-Free Electropolishing of SRF Cavities | Taylor, E. Jennings | Faraday Technology, Inc., OH |
Data Processing Electronics for Silicon Photomultipliers | Skulski, Wojciech | SkuTek Instrumentation, NY |
Low Z Thin Film Stripper Foils, Targets and X-Ray Windows | Kumar, Nalin | UHV Technologies, Inc., KY |
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Facility and its SBIR/STTR Opportunities | Liu, Chuyu | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
A novel injection-locked amplitude-modulated magnetron at 1497 MHz | Neubauer, Michael | Muons, Inc., IL |
Refractory Oxides with Tunable Porosity and Geometry as Versatile Fast-Release Solid Catchers for Rare Isotopes | Sampathkumaran, Uma | InnoSense LLC, CA |
DOE Isotope Program and Facilities and the SBIR/STTR Program | Balkin, Ethan | DOE Office of Nuclear Physics & DOE Isotope Program |
Charge collection physics in very large diameter germanium crystals | Hull, Ethan | PHDs Co., TN |
Thermo-Mechanically Stable Tungsten Powders as Solid Catchers for the Fast Release of Stopped Rare Isotopes | Sampathkumaran, Uma | InnoSense LLC, CA |
Multi-scale modeling for beam-beam depolarization | Cowan, Benjamin | Tech-X Corporation, CO |
Radiation Hard High Speed Camera System for Accelerator Beam Diagnostics | Engelman, Matt | Alphacore Inc., AZ |
GaN Class F Power Amplifier for Klystron Replacement | Smirnov, Alexei | RadiaBeam Systems, CA |
Update on the Department of Energy SBIR/STTR Program, Q/A | Oliver, Manny | DOE, SBIR/STTR Office |