DOE-NP SBIR/STTR Exchange Meeting
August 6-7 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015 |
Presentation / Title | Speaker | Organization |
Welcome and Introductory Remarks | Gillo, Jehanne | DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics |
NP SBIR/STTR Program Overview | Farkhondeh, Manouchehr | DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics |
Polyhedral User Mapping Assistant and Visualizer (Puma-V) | Langston, Harper | Reservoir Labs, Inc., NY |
Non-Invasive Beam Monitor, Fast Kicker, Bunch Shaper and Photogun | Roberts, Brock | Electrodynamic, NM |
Radiation Resistant Magnetic Field Sensor | Kochergin, Vladimir | MicroXact, Inc., VA |
NP Low Energy Facilities and the SBIR/STTR Program | Macchiavelli, Augusto | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Development of a Superconducting RF Harmonic Cavity For eRHIC | Boulware, Chase/ Grimm, Terry | Niowave, Inc., MI |
Modular Planar Germanium Detector Systems For High Resolution Gramma-Ray Spectroscopy And Tracking Arrays | Hull, Ethan | PHDs Co., TN |
Perm-Pump: A Power-Free Hydrogen-Extraction Permeation Pump for XHV (Note: This talk was cancelled.) | Mulhollan, Gregory | Saxet Surface Science, TX |
TJNAF Facility and the SBIR/STTR Program | Pilat, Fulvia | Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Low Cost, High-Density Digital Electronics for Nuclear Physics | Skulski, Wojciech | SkuTek Instrumentation, NY |
GaAsSb/AlGaAsP Superlattice "with DBR" Polarized Electron Source | Chen, Yiqiao | SVT Associates, Inc., MN. |
Digital Silicon Photomultiplier Array Readout Integrated Circuits | Lee, Adam | Voxtel, Inc., OR |
Semiconductor Detectors with Optimized Proximity Signal Readout | Asztalos, Stephen | XIA LLC, CA |
Low-Latency Ultra-High Capacity Holographic Data Storage Archive Library | Anderson, Ken | Akonia Holographics, LLC, CO |
Thin Diamond for Time-of-Flight Detectors | Tabeling, Joseph | Applied Diamond, Inc., DE |
Ferroelectric Based High Power Components for L-Band Accelerator Applications | Jing, Chunguang/ Kanareykin, Alex |
Euclid Techlabs, LLC, OH |
Friday, August 7, 2015 |
Presentation / Title | Speaker | Organization |
Digital SQUID Magnetometers for Read-out of Detectors and Magnetic Particles | Radparvar, Masoud | Hypres, Inc., NY |
GaAsSb/ALGaAs Superlattice High-Polarization Electron Source with DBR | Chen, Yiqiao | SVT Associates, Inc., MN |
Development of MgB2 Superconducting Coils for Nuclear Physics Applications | Rindfleisch, Matthew | Hyper Tech Research, Inc., OH |
Production of Commercial High Specific Activity Sn-117M Radiochemical and Chelates | Stevenson, Nigel | Clear Vascular, Inc., TX |
Commercial Superconducting Electron Linac for Radioisotope Production | Boulware, Chase/ Grimm, Terry | Niowave, Inc., MI |
RHIC Facility and the SBIR/STTR Program | Blaskiewicz, Mike | BNL |
Refractory Oxides with Tunable Porosity and Geometry as Versatile Fast-Release Solid Catchers for Rare Isotopes | Sampathkumaran, Uma | InnoSense LLC, CA |
Advance Additive Manufacturing Method for SRF Cavities of Various Geometries | Frigola, Pedro / Ruelas, Marcos |
Radiabeam Technologies, LLC., Santa Monica, CA |
High Radiation Environment Nuclear Fragment Separator Magnet | Kahn, Stephen | Muons, Inc., IL |
NP Isotope Program and Facilities and the SBIR/STTR Program | John, Kevin | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Integrated Modeling Tool for Electron-Beam Based Ion-Sources | Kim, Jin-Soo | FAR-TECH, Inc., CA |
High Density Low Cost Readout Electronics for Large Scale Radiation Detectors; | Tan, Hui | XIA LLC, Hayward, CA |
High-Performance Plasma Panel Based Micropattern Detector | Friedman, Peter | Integrated Sensors, LLC, OH |
Thin-Window P-Type Point-Contact Germanium Detectors for Rare Particle Detection | Hull, Ethan | PHDs Co., Knoxville, TN |
Novel Polishing Process to Fabricate Ultra Low Thickness Variation Diamond Substrates for Next Generation Beam Tracking Detectors | Arjunan, Arul | Sinmat Inc., Gainesville, FL |
Update on the Department of Energy SBIR/STTR Program, Q/A | Hebron, Carl | DOE, SBIR/STTR Office |